Monday, June 29, 2009

Look for a good deal but be fair to your salesperson

I have been in the car business for a long time and I have seen tough times. I spend more time posting, building links, working the Internet to help gather more opportunities to get a customer in front of me. I tell you, its just not the same as it once was. To give you an example; I was out walking my dogs Sunday as my wife and I do every Sunday morning. This weekend we ran into a couple of my neighbor's that were coming the other way. They know I'm a "Car Guy" one asked me how I was doing at work. I paused and said, I enjoy working and hanging out with my Friends at Ford of Kirkland. However even though we are selling cars, its just not the the lifestyle my wife and I have been accustom to. She mentioned that she was related Bill Pierre and he told her he was re-thinking what he was doing as they are not doing the business they once did. He did mention he had passed the business on to a son who was working the car stores.After all he had other investments to survive on.

As for my self, I need to figure out a better way to convince my clients that I can help them and hope they do not mind paying a profit when buying a new car. I know that any one can look up how to buy a car and not pay the dealer pricing, but hey its a business just like any other, profit is not a bad thing.

I would like to end this post with this;

Next time your out shopping, look for a good deal but be fair to your salesperson, they make a living off commissions and if you treat them right, it will come back to you. Be smart, not arrogant about were the car business is and we all will get through this.

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